#file proxysql.cfg ######################################################################################## # This config file is parsed using libconfig , and its grammar is described in: # http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-File-Grammar # Grammar is also copied at the end of this file ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## # IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING THIS CONFIGURATION FILE: ######################################################################################## # On startup, ProxySQL reads its config file (if present) to determine its datadir. # What happens next depends on if the database file (disk) is present in the defined # datadir (i.e. "/var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.db"). # # If the database file is found, ProxySQL initializes its in-memory configuration from # the persisted on-disk database. So, disk configuration gets loaded into memory and # then propagated towards the runtime configuration. # # If the database file is not found and a config file exists, the config file is parsed # and its content is loaded into the in-memory database, to then be both saved on-disk # database and loaded at runtime. # # IMPORTANT: If a database file is found, the config file is NOT parsed. In this case # ProxySQL initializes its in-memory configuration from the persisted on-disk # database ONLY. In other words, the configuration found in the proxysql.cnf # file is only used to initial the on-disk database read on the first startup. # # In order to FORCE a re-initialise of the on-disk database from the configuration file # the ProxySQL service should be started with "systemctl start proxysql-initial". # ######################################################################################## datadir="/var/lib/proxysql" errorlog="/var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.log" admin_variables= { #配置可以外网访问的管理员 admin_credentials="admin:admin;wxhntmy:CWCcwy12" # mysql_ifaces=";/tmp/proxysql_admin.sock" mysql_ifaces="" # refresh_interval=2000 # debug=true } mysql_variables= { threads=4 max_connections=2048 default_query_delay=0 default_query_timeout=36000000 have_compress=true poll_timeout=2000 # interfaces=";/tmp/proxysql.sock" interfaces="" default_schema="information_schema" stacksize=1048576 server_version="5.5.30" connect_timeout_server=3000 # make sure to configure monitor username and password # https://github.com/sysown/proxysql/wiki/Global-variables#mysql-monitor_username-mysql-monitor_password #监控健康状态的用户 monitor_username="monitor" monitor_password="CWCcwy12" monitor_history=600000 monitor_connect_interval=60000 monitor_ping_interval=10000 monitor_read_only_interval=1500 monitor_read_only_timeout=500 ping_interval_server_msec=120000 ping_timeout_server=500 commands_stats=true sessions_sort=true connect_retries_on_failure=10 mysql-set_query_lock_on_hostgroup=0 } # defines all the MySQL servers #MySQL节点,这里host是根据mysql的无头服务 mysql_servers = ( { address= "mysql-0.mysql-headless" , port=3306 , hostgroup=10, max_connections=100 }, { address= "mysql-1.mysql-headless" , port=3306 , hostgroup=20, max_connections=100 }, { address= "mysql-2.mysql-headless" , port=3306 , hostgroup=20, max_connections=100 } # { # address = "" # no default, required . If port is 0 , address is interpred as a Unix Socket Domain # port = 3306 # no default, required . If port is 0 , address is interpred as a Unix Socket Domain # hostgroup = 0 # no default, required # status = "ONLINE" # default: ONLINE # weight = 1 # default: 1 # compression = 0 # default: 0 # max_replication_lag = 10 # default 0 . If greater than 0 and replication lag passes such threshold, the server is shunned # }, # { # address = "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" # port = 0 # hostgroup = 0 # }, # { # address="" # port=21891 # hostgroup=0 # max_connections=200 # }, # { address="" , port=3306 , hostgroup=0, max_connections=5 }, # { address="" , port=21892 , hostgroup=1 }, # { address="" , port=21893 , hostgroup=1 } # { address="" , port=3306 , hostgroup=1 }, # { address="" , port=3306 , hostgroup=1 }, # { address="" , port=3306 , hostgroup=1 }, # { address="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" , port=0 , hostgroup=1 } ) # defines all the MySQL users #MySQL的用户 mysql_users: ( { username = "proxysql" , password = "CWCcwy12" , default_hostgroup = 10, transaction_persistent = 0, active = 1 } # { # username = "username" # no default , required # password = "password" # default: '' # default_hostgroup = 0 # default: 0 # active = 1 # default: 1 # }, # { # username = "root" # password = "" # default_hostgroup = 0 # max_connections=1000 # default_schema="test" # active = 1 # }, # { username = "user1" , password = "password" , default_hostgroup = 0 , active = 0 } ) #defines MySQL Query Rules mysql_query_rules: ( #select * from tb for update 这样的语句是会修改数据的, # 所以需要单独定义,将它路由至 hostgroup_id=10 的组 (写组) { rule_id=1 active=1 match_digest= "^SELECT.*FOR UPDATE$" destination_hostgroup=10 apply=1 }, # 将 select 查询语句全部路由至 hostgroup_id=20 的组 (读组) #其他没有被规则匹配到的组将会被路由至用户默认的组 (mysql_users 表中的 default_hostgroup) { rule_id=2 active=1 match_digest= "^SELECT" destination_hostgroup=20 apply=1 } # { # rule_id=1 # active=1 # match_pattern="^SELECT .* FOR UPDATE$" # destination_hostgroup=0 # apply=1 # }, # { # rule_id=2 # active=1 # match_pattern="^SELECT" # destination_hostgroup=1 # apply=1 # } ) scheduler= ( # { # id=1 # active=0 # interval_ms=10000 # filename="/var/lib/proxysql/proxysql_galera_checker.sh" # arg1="0" # arg2="0" # arg3="0" # arg4="1" # arg5="/var/lib/proxysql/proxysql_galera_checker.log" # } ) mysql_replication_hostgroups= ( { writer_hostgroup=10 reader_hostgroup=20 comment="cluster1" } # { # writer_hostgroup=50 # reader_hostgroup=60 # comment="test repl 2" # } ) proxysql_servers = ( { hostname = "proxysql-0.proxysqlcluster" , port = 6032, weight = 1 }, { hostname = "proxysql-1.proxysqlcluster" , port = 6032, weight = 1 } ) # http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-File-Grammar # # Below is the BNF grammar for configuration files. Comments and include directives are not part of the grammar, so they are not included here. # # configuration = setting-list | empty # # setting-list = setting | setting-list setting # # setting = name (":" | "=") value (";" | "," | empty) # # value = scalar-value | array | list | group # # value-list = value | value-list "," value # # scalar-value = boolean | integer | integer64 | hex | hex64 | float # | string # # scalar-value-list = scalar-value | scalar-value-list "," scalar-value # # array = "[" (scalar-value-list | empty) "]" # # list = "(" (value-list | empty) ")" # # group = "{" (setting-list | empty) "}" # # empty =
kubectl create configmap proxysql-configmap --from-file=proxysql.cnf
vim nfs-client-provisioner-proxysql.yaml
kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: nfs-client-provisioner-proxysql namespace: default #命名空间 spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nfs-client-provisioner strategy: type: Recreate template: metadata: labels: app: nfs-client-provisioner spec: serviceAccountName: nfs-client-provisioner #指定Service Account账户 containers: - name: nfs-client-provisioner image: quay.io/external_storage/nfs-client-provisioner:latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: nfs-client-root mountPath: /persistentvolumes env: - name: TZ value: Asia/Shanghai #容器时区 - name: PROVISIONER_NAME value: nfs-storage-proxysql #配置provisioner的Name,确保该名称与StorageClass资源中的provisioner名称保持一致 - name: NFS_SERVER value: #配置绑定的nfs服务器 - name: NFS_PATH value: /data/mysql #配置绑定的nfs服务器目录,挂载路径 volumes: #申明nfs数据卷 - name: nfs-client-root nfs: server: #配置绑定的nfs服务器 path: /data/mysql
kubectl apply -f nfs-client-provisioner-proxysql.yaml kubectl get pods -n default
vim nfs-client-storageclass-proxysql.yaml
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: nfs-client-storageclass-proxysql provisioner: nfs-storage-proxysql #这里的名称要和provisioner配置文件中的环境变量PROVISIONER_NAME保持一致 parameters: archiveOnDelete: "true"
kubectl apply -f nfs-client-storageclass-proxysql.yaml kubectl get storageclasses
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: proxysqlcluster labels: app: proxysql spec: clusterIP: None ports: - port: 6032 name: proxysql-admin selector: app: proxysql --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: labels: app: proxysql tier: frontend name: proxysql spec: ports: - name: proxysql-mysql port: 6033 nodePort: 30033 protocol: TCP targetPort: 6033 - name: proxysql-admin nodePort: 30032 port: 6032 protocol: TCP targetPort: 6032 selector: app: proxysql tier: frontend type : NodePort
kubectl create -f proxysql-services.yml kubectl get svc -o wide
kubectl exec -it mysql-0 -n default -c mysql /bin/bash mysql -uroot -pCWCcwy12 -h
grant all on *.* to 'proxysql'@'%' identified by 'CWCcwy12'; grant select on *.* to 'monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'CWCcwy12'; flush privileges; use mysql; select host,user from user;
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: proxysql namespace: default labels: app: proxysql spec: replicas: 2 serviceName: proxysqlcluster selector: matchLabels: app: proxysql tier: frontend updateStrategy: type : RollingUpdate template: metadata: labels: app: proxysql tier: frontend spec: restartPolicy: Always containers: - image: proxysql/proxysql:latest-centos name: proxysql volumeMounts: - name: proxysql-config mountPath: /etc/proxysql.cnf subPath: proxysql.cnf - name: data mountPath: /var/lib/proxysql subPath: proxysql ports: - containerPort: 6033 name: proxysql-mysql - containerPort: 6032 name: proxysql-admin env: - name: TZ value: Asia/Shanghai volumes: - name: proxysql-config configMap: name: proxysql-configmap volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: data namespace: default #属于的命名空间 spec: storageClassName: "nfs-client-storageclass-proxysql" #StorageClass的名称 accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] resources: requests: storage: 1Gi
kubectl apply -f proxysql-statefulset.yml
mysql -uproxysql -pCWCcwy12 -P30033 -h172.17.0.10
create database test; CREATE TABLE test.test_table (message VARCHAR(250)); INSERT INTO test.test_table VALUES ('hello'); select * from test.test_table;
mysql -uwxhntmy -pCWCcwy12 -P30032 -h172.17.0.10
select * from mysql_servers;
select * from mysql_users;
select @@mysql-monitor_username; select @@mysql-monitor_password;
select rule_id,active,match_digest,destination_hostgroup,apply from mysql_query_rules;
select hostgroup,schemaname,username,client_address,digest,digest_text,count_star from stats_mysql_query_digest limit 10;